Class Descriptions

Beacon Flow

This style of vinyasa will enhance the experience of your spirit. Open to all, we will create a high vibe through elevated beats, play and flow. Our signature Beacon class focuses on moving with the rhythm of your breath to dance upon the present moment with deep intention. This includes fluid transitions, dynamic movement and a beating heart to find your truest expression. You will leave more centered with a light buzz and expansive glow. Some yoga experience is recommended.

Slow Flow

This class is a slowed down version of a vinyasa flow. We will spend more time exploring each posture, building strength while allowing the body time to fully register the shape. Enjoy slowing down, moving mindfully and breathing deeply. Open to all levels. *Great for beginners.

Mellow Flow

This gentle yoga flow is for those who want a nurturing, slow-paced, well-supported practice. This includes carefully orchestrated movements, controlled pressure, and well-measured stretches. Postures will be approached in gradual steps with plenty of time to focus on breathing and repetition so that the practice is simple to do and easy to remember. This class provides a safe, effective and compassionate environment that is welcome to all. Beginners welcome. Be prepared to not sweat.

Private Session

Deepen your practice or begin a new one with a private yoga session tailored to fit your personal needs.

Sessions begin at $75 for 1-3 persons at Open Channels Wellness Studios or $100 for Dawn to come to your home. Email to schedule your one-on-one or private group session.